Customer Service - Voxcentrix

3 steps to deliver a customer service that would make your mom proud.

Customer Service Lessons from Jeanne Bliss’ book.

The impact of making people wait has consequences that go beyond an unfortunate memory that sticks and shared on social media.  – Jeanne Bliss.

Bliss, Customer Experience Pioneer & Leadership Advisor wrote an amazing book that inspired us to help our clients reach the next level in their customer care standards. Would You Do That To Your Mother? is a piece of wisdom that every company should take into consideration.

In this article, we would like to share with you 3 lessons that we loved from the book.   

voxcentrix - Would you do that to your mother  (1)

#1 Make business personal.

If you are not giving your customers the treatment they desire, maybe it’s time to rethink your business practice. Use technology to keep track of each experience with your company and improve it in every front of the Customer Journey.

The proper use of the information and an omnichannel strategy will help your company improve your customer’s journey. Deliver amazing experiences at every touch point.

How? Be ready to take their calls the first time (like you would do with your mother, right?) Have answers. Be there for them 24/7. Listen and trust what they say. Be grateful for their business.

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#2 Honor your customer’s time.

Wrap your operations around respecting your customer’s time. It is the most valuable asset we have in life and we hate when people make us wait. Same applies for companies like yours.  

Take your customers calls the first time. Don’t make them wait on the line. Get feedback and learn to anticipate their pain points so you can have a quick plan to help them.

#3 Take the monkey off your customer’s back (End customer service exhaustion)

People avoid companies with bad service. If your customer service is not great and easy to get, they will take their business somewhere else. Don’t make the medicine be worst than the pain.

Learn about your customer’s experience journey and their pain points and start removing bumps from the road. Make the whole experience amazing. Step by step, easier, faster, uncomplicated and they will keep coming for more. If you need a hand, we can help you to do that.

Shep Hyken Customer Service and Experience speaker and Forbes Magazine contributor wrote an article about Jeanne’s book in which he states that when a company, or employee, delivers on a standard that would “make mom proud,” that company reaps the rewards of happy customers, repeat customers and even loyal customers.

As call centers, we know that every one of your customers is equally important and thus, each one of them must receive the best service every time. That is easy to say (or write) but quite difficult to perform.

At Voxcentrix we are specialist in helping companies elevate customer experiences to a “make mom proud level”. We started as service providers but now we are becoming partners in the quest to create amazing experiences.

If you want to be in touch with us, please reach at

TELEPHONE: 619.363.8880 ext.120 

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