call center agents

3 reasons that prove that call center agents are … freakin’ awesome!

When we say that call center agents are so awesome, we are not only making reference to their passionate, resilient and hard-working personalities. Nor are we alluding to their amazing talents for sports, board games or their good taste in music or culinary tastes. There are other attributes that make them special, different from other people.

Over the years we have learned a lot about our Brand Ambassadors and how amazing they are. Let’s us give you 3 reasons that prove what we are saying is true.

call center agents

Reason 1: Call center agents are willing to serve people like no other. 

“We only have what we give.” –  Isabel Allende

People working at call centers are particularly suited for service. Their strength and ability to help others is awe-inspiring. Here at Voxcentrix, we are so proud of our brand ambassadors because we see them going the extra mile to help others day in and day out and day after day. 

If you take the time and do some research, you will find hundreds of real-life stories of call center agents creating amazing experiences through phone-based customer service interactions. Their ability to be focused outside their self-interests in order to assist others is just amazing.

Many of our agents will forget their own rest breaks and lunch periods to help others.  Our agents will even come into the office on days off for a scheduled call back or to follow up on unfinished business.  

Reason 2: Contact Center agents know how to have meaningful conversations.

A great listener makes a fantastic conversationalist. We all love talking and our favorite subject is OURSELVES! Every day we communicate through different platforms such as emails, text messages, phone calls, and face to face interactions and having a good listener on the other side, is a great indication that we will be having a great time.

According to the article What Makes a Great Call Center Employee? published by a well-known staffing company, a great agent must have an outgoing personality, the ability to keep calm and help others maintain calm and have the ability to listen. 

If you know someone who works at a call center, feel free to spark up a conversation, chances are you will have a great discussion. Invite him or her for a glass of wine some time and you will find yourself having a wonderful time.

Reason 3: call center agents have the best life stories. 

If you ever worked at a call center, you already know that we have the best stories in the world. Well, maybe not the whole world, but the fact is that we have amazing stories, where we come from, how we became call center agents and the reasons behind our decisions, what really moves us.

Most call centers in Tijuana like us, are lucky to have a great diversity of people coming from different parts of the world such as Haiti, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Costa Rica, Mexico City and many others. Here, we share stories about our past, our present and our future dreams and expectations.

Some of our call center agents have crossed the ocean following their dreams and they are here with us now, sharing the best of them. And even when our past hasn’t been kind to us, we are still fighting for a new beginning and a brighter future. 

At Voxcentrix, we cherish our stories, our languages, our culture and our people. We believe our brand ambassadors are unique and for many reasons and that’s what makes them are so “freakin’ awesome.”  

To know more about us and our agents,

Visit our Facebook FanPage  

call center agents in Tijuana
Call center agents in tijuana

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