bilingual call center jobs in tijuana

Tijuana call center jobs for deportees: What you need to know to get hired.

Tijuana Call Center Jobs are not like other jobs. Here, your language skills and your desire to succeed will be highly appreciated and you will meet very interesting people.

If you know someone who has been or will be displaced to Tijuana and needs to get a job, this article is going to be very helpful.

call center jobs in tijuana

Your next Tijuana call center job should include:

  • Paid training
  • Weekly salary
  • Full employee benefits
  • Social security
  • Paid vacations
  • opportunities to grow inside the company

The pay in Mexico is much better than working for construction companies, retail stores, or maquiladoras.

If you are new in Tijuana and you are serious about getting a job at a call center, you should look for 3 things:

Step 1: Search for Tijuana call centers that are close to you. 

Search for call centers on Facebook or simply Google “Tijuana Call center jobs ” and you will find many options.

We recommend you to take some time to see their pages and pay close attention to what they broadcast as a company.

Some call centers will use salary as a click-bait strategy and they will treat you bad and scam you at the end of the week.

Be sure to feel their vibe as an organization and if you can ask for references, do it!

Some institutions like Casa del Migrante have a board of job opportunities and they will recommend you only the best. 

Step 2: Select a campaign that fits your schedule, personality, and expectations.

When starting a call center job in Tijuana, you can select from a wide range of options such as sales, collections, customer service, order processing, credit verification, among many others.

Important factors will vary from one campaign to another.  Some of them will require more effort from you but they will offer better pay or commissions over performance.

You can start in a part-time position and if you like, then you can go full-time.

If you are a morning person you will find opportunities that start early, but if you are not, you can find jobs in the afternoon or you can try the graveyard shift.

Tijuana call center jobs

Step 3: Go for it!

No, you don’t need previous experience to start working at a call center in Tijuana. We will provide you with the training needed to begin your new career.

No, you don’t need to have all your documents, we can help you with the formalities of your documentation to work in the country. 

Yes, you only need to come to an appointment and one of our recruitment specialists will do all the possible to find you a job opportunity with us. 

Call Center Jobs in Tijuana for deportees

At Voxcentrix, we like to think that here you can be part of a big family.

call center en tijuana- canal de youtube

Here, others like you have found a second opportunity, a second family, new friends, a place where they can feel safe and be appreciated for who you are and your passion to keep learning and growing.

If you want to learn more about our call center jobs in Tijuana click HERE to visit our Facebook FanPage

tijuana call centers

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