bilingual call center jobs in tijuana
Tijuana Call Center Jobs are not like other jobs. Here, your language skills and your desire to succeed will be highly appreciated and you will meet very interesting people. If you know someone who has been or will be displaced to Tijuana and needs to get a job, this article is going to be very helpful. Your next Tijuana call center job should include: Paid training Weekly salary Full employee benefits Social security Paid vacationsopportunities to grow inside the company The pay in Mexico is much better than working for construction companies, retail stores, or maquiladoras. If you are new in Tijuana and you are serious about getting a job at a call center, you should look for 3 things: Step 1: Search for Tijuana call centers that are close to you.  Search for call centers on Facebook or simply Google “Tijuana Call center jobs ” and you will find...
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Voxcentrix en el 5to Encuentro de la Industria Maquiladora en Baja California - DIMBC
¿Qué tienen en común las maquiladoras y los call centers de Tijuana? Respuesta: Todas las maquiladoras y call centers de Tijuana, del país y del mundo, tienen frente a ellas el gran reto de ser capaces de crear nuevas y mejores experiencias para sus clientes y empleados.  Voxcentrix y los tenis naranjas en el DIMBC La familia Voxcentrix presente en el DIMBC Este año, por primera vez, nos tocó representar a los call centers en uno de los mejores eventos de la Industria Maquiladora en Baja California y en México, mejor conocido como el DIMBC… y lo hicimos portando nuestros famosos converse que llevan el color naranja que nos distingue. La oportunidad nos llegó por invitación del Tijuana Economic Development Council (Tijuana EDC) también conocido como DEITAC, quienes nos dieron la oportunidad de ser parte de su representación en el pabellón de inversión del 5to Encuentro de la Industria Maquiladora...
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From Mexico with Love: A story about Mexican Call Centers and companies in the US.
Picking the perfect call center in Tijuana Picking a call center in Tijuana is not as easy as picking apples. If you pick a bad apple you simply throw it away and pick another. But what if you pick the wrong call center for your company?  What if you’ve signed a long term contract with a call center that is not delivering what they promised? What if you’ve spent thousands of dollars in training and invested hundreds of man-hours with the wrong call center? What if your boss is now mad at you for making a bad decision? What do you do now? In Tijuana, dozens of call centers spring up every so often to cash in on the ever-growing call center business. Many have no experience at all but believe that running a call center is easy and that anybody can do it. Plenty of these call centers will...
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call center agents
When we say that call center agents are so awesome, we are not only making reference to their passionate, resilient and hard-working personalities. Nor are we alluding to their amazing talents for sports, board games or their good taste in music or culinary tastes. There are other attributes that make them special, different from other people. Over the years we have learned a lot about our Brand Ambassadors and how amazing they are. Let’s us give you 3 reasons that prove what we are saying is true. Reason 1: Call center agents are willing to serve people like no other.  “We only have what we give.” -  Isabel Allende People working at call centers are particularly suited for service. Their strength and ability to help others is awe-inspiring. Here at Voxcentrix, we are so proud of our brand ambassadors because we see them going the extra mile to help others...
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business in tijuana
Every call center that’s been around for a while and handles customer calls on a daily basis knows about “customer service”. We receive hundreds if not thousands of customers service calls on a daily basis. We are the ears that have the insight to your customers' needs and expectations. And all that experience and information gathered over the years can be useful when finding new ways to improve and innovate in their experience with your company.   Sometimes innovation is not about acquiring the most expensive and latest technology, but to change your focus and find a new way of doing things. Let us show you 3 ways a seasoned call center can help you re-engage with your customers through innovation. Number 1: A call center can help you anticipate your customer’s problems Besides just listening to your customers you should start anticipating your customer’s needs. That’s your way to...
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Call center in Tijuana
Life is all about making the right choices and selecting a call center is no different. But sometimes, having too many choices can make matters worse and complicate the already difficult task of finding a top notch Call Center in Tijuana. In the city of Tijuana, you will find a plethora of call centers to choose from and all claiming to be the best. But how do you choose the right Call Center for your company? Here are 3 things you should look for when considering a call center in Tijuana. A great call center in Tijuana must be committed to your goals. American entrepreneur Hannah Bronfman once said that goals give us purpose (and) motivates us to make ourselves the best version. Your next business partner should listen to your goals and objectives and deliver an action plan based on your goals. Shared goals make the best situation for...
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Customer Service - Voxcentrix
Customer Service Lessons from Jeanne Bliss’ book. The impact of making people wait has consequences that go beyond an unfortunate memory that sticks and shared on social media.  - Jeanne Bliss. Bliss, Customer Experience Pioneer & Leadership Advisor wrote an amazing book that inspired us to help our clients reach the next level in their customer care standards. Would You Do That To Your Mother? is a piece of wisdom that every company should take into consideration. In this article, we would like to share with you 3 lessons that we loved from the book.    #1 Make business personal. If you are not giving your customers the treatment they desire, maybe it’s time to rethink your business practice. Use technology to keep track of each experience with your company and improve it in every front of the Customer Journey. The proper use of the information and an omnichannel strategy...
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call centers en Tijuana
Los call centers en Tijuana tenemos el potencial para ser los mejores aliados de tu negocio. Llevamos más de 20 años ayudando a empresas como la tuya a crecer, mejorar su servicio al cliente, aumentar sus ventas y maximizar su potencial. El servicio al cliente se ha convertido en el nuevo marketing y lo confirman expertos como  Dan Gingiss, quien en su libro asegura que todo gira alrededor de los consumidores. Sin ellos no hay negocio. La cuestión está en identificar ¿Qué tan inolvidables son las experiencias de tus clientes con tu marca? ¿te comprarán? ¿lo volverá a hacer? Las 5 razones por las cuales debes incluir a los call centers en Tijuana como aliados: Incrementamos tus ventas. (Telemarketing) La experta en ventas Gina Trimarco afirma que hacer negocios es como salir con alguien, lo que realmente importa es establecer relaciones a largo plazo. Muchas veces invertimos recursos para asistir...
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call centers in Tijuana
Once upon a time, call centers in Mexico were not very prevalent, especially not in Tijuana. A recent increase in demand for nearshore call center services has put the city on the call center map. We are very proud to be one of the pioneers of the call center industry in the city. As many people know, companies worldwide look to Tijuana to outsource manufacturing processes and it is now apparent that they are looking to the city for our Customer Engagement, Customer Service, Collections and Tech Support. And why not?  Mexico is well known around the globe for its extraordinary customer service, legendary hospitality, and amazing cuisine. This translates well when you are in the people business and call centers or contact centers are exactly that, the ultimate people business. Tijuana is an amazing location for a call center When I started working at call centers in Tijuana,...
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Call center en tijuana
Nuestro amor por el deporte nos une. En Voxcentrix somos fanáticos del deporte pero además somos un equipo que vive los valores del trabajo en equipo, el respeto y el compromiso que se aprenden en la cancha. En nuestro call center nos apasiona ver el super clásico Chivas - América o mejor aún, un Barça vs Real Madrid. Siendo de Tijuana, celebramos cada victoria de los Xolos, los Zonkeys y los Toros, pero también sabemos vivir una rivalidad como las de los Chicago Bears contra los Green Bay Packers , la de los Yankees contra Red Sox o la de Los Angeles Lakers vs. Boston Celtics.        En las salas de nuestros call center hemos compartido grandes momentos en la historia del deporte: el milagro de Mineapolis (Vikings), el campeonato de Lebron James con Cleveland venciendo a Golden State en el juego 7 y hasta algunos nos tocó ver “la...
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