Call Centers en Tijuana
Call centers in Mexico: The proximity and the language as a competitive advantage Call Centers in Mexico have become one of the top options for US companies looking to outsource services in Latin America. Its close proximity to the US and cultural similarities are two of the strongest competitive advantages in Mexico’s call center industry. The Call Center industry in Mexico is vibrant and is in the top 10 choices for call centers in the world and ranks as number 3 in Latin America. Other Latin American countries  where the industry is growing are Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Argentina, however all are located thousands of miles away from the US mainland. Countries like India, China, Malaysia and the Philippines are top call center industry hot spots but are also located far away.  The greater the distance from the US the greater the dilution of cultural similarities and language skills. The...
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call center in Mexico Voxcentrix blog craft beer
In the past, Voxcentrix’s Executive VP Joe Andere published an article titled:  “Call Centers taking over abandoned manufacturing plants, craft beer, employment and Ahi Tuna Tostadas…” that sums up the impact that Call Centers in Mexico are having in the region. From increasingly higher employment rates to the rebirth of old and abandoned industrial buildings, we wanted to share his original article with you. Joe Andere starts with a quote from a well known Mexican actor: “The whole Baja California peninsula is an energetic place, and it’s incredibly alive”               -Gael Garcia   According to Joe Andere: Call centers around the world are collectively a billion dollar industry. Many emerging countries like The Philippines, India, Malaysia, and Mexico are part of a booming call center industry. Mexico and the US have a close relationship but none is closer than the border city of Tijuana. Home to the most accessed border on...
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Call Center Services in Mexico Brand Ambassadors by Vox centrix
Becoming BRAND AMBASSADORS Voxcentrix, the Call Center of passionate brand ambassadors At Voxcentrix call center in Mexico, we have two concepts that run through the veins of the entire organization, those two ideas represent the way we approach things, they are like our mantra. Those two concepts are “Passion” and “Brand Ambassadors”. The first addresses how we approach things in every field of the everyday battle, and the second, imprints the way we coach our agents to approach their important role in the organization. Wikipedia defines a BRAND AMBASSADOR as: “a person who is hired by an organization or company to represent a brand in a positive light and by doing so help to increase brand awareness and sales. The brand ambassador is meant to embody the corporate identity in appearance, demeanor, values and ethics. At Voxcentrix, we understand the importance of what our agents do, as they represent not only a company...
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call center in Mexico VOXCENTRIX ISO 27001
Teamwork and Achieving ISO/IEC 27001 Certificatification!   NBA Superstar Michael Jordan once said: “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships”.   That’s the winning formula used by the VOXCENTRIX Contact Center team to achieve their ISO/IEEC 27001 certification.  We knew going in that it would not be easy but we also knew that “where there is a will, there’s a way”.  It took countless hours and many long days that involved meetings, conference calls, planning, consulting and hard work. But most importantly, it was a great attitude and the contribution of everybody in the team to make it possible.    The journey “For us to complete this goal we needed the support of the entire company. Everyone was onboard and committed to working as a team to accomplish this amazing milestone for our organization” said Joe Andere, Executive Vice President of the company. “We wanted to show all of...
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