Customer Service Outsourcing 1

Call Center services and our passion for creating amazing customer experiences

Every one of us has experienced an amazing customer experience at least once in our lives. Maybe you had a problem that needed to be solved or an employee went the extra mile to help you find that product you needed. The feelings and emotions of being the recipient of amazing customer service is a joyous moment you will never forget.


But let’s be honest, nowadays having an amazing customer experience with a service representative is something that seldom happens.


Customer Service Outsourcing


In the following article “Good to Great: Creating a Tropical Storm of Customer Satisfaction”, business author and FORBES Magazine contributor Ekaterina Walter, provides a compelling reason why companies still can’t make us feel great after we hang up the phone:


“I think it is because a lot of times companies are missing a key ingredient to business success – human passion.”


The author of “Think like Zuc” and “The power of visual storytelling” affirms that the problem lies in the absence of human passion as an important part of the companies’ culture and business mentality.


“The only way your company will build lasting relationships with your customers is if you provide amazing experiences at every touchpoint with that customer”, sustains Walter.


Similarly, business author and distinguished professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Phillip Kotler, argues that in the era of connectivity, companies must be ready to amaze their customers in every touchpoint during their customer path.


In his latest book, Marketing 4.0, Kotler, formulates a new customer path named the Five A’s framework, in which a new category appears: ASK. This new step in the people’s route to purchase represents the need for information that customers have before making a purchase.


Prior to buying a product or service, a customer will do some research online and will ask other people (usually friends and family) for references. The Father of Modern Marketing mentions that Call Centers figure as a significant piece of the puzzle when a company aims to amaze its customers.


voxcentrix on customer experiences

As Kotler argues, in this digital era, every interaction is given by technology, information flows through a screen and when people need information, the human factor makes a significant difference. Even companies like Zappos and Apple are relying on call centers to include this ingredient on the customer experience formula for success.


At Voxcentrix, we understand how important it is for companies like yours be ready to amaze your customers in every interaction with your brand. We are changing the way things get done and we are making the human passion a priority.

Customer Service Outsourcing

Want to make a difference with your clients? Give us a call and ask us about our “Happiness Lab” strategy and start designing your own amazing customer experience plan for success.

Contact Info  

TELEPHONE: 619.363.8880 ext.120
Voxcentrix © 2018

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