Call Centers in Tijuana - desarrolla tu pasion
A mediados de 2018,  conocimos a un grupo de estudiantes talentosos de la Escuela de Humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC Campus Tijuana), quienes ganaron el primer concurso de creación audiovisual para universitarios organizado por un call center en Tijuana.    Desarrolla tu pasión: estudiantes universitarios y un call center en tijuana trabajando juntos. Como resultado de la buena experiencia, decidimos realizar nuestra primera campaña juntos la cual llamamos "Desarrolla tu pasión". Esta se compuso de 3 cortometrajes publicitarios que representan las historias de quienes aquí trabajamos y los valores en los que creemos. La meta: reflejar los valores de nuestro call center Las historias representan nuestros valores de la pasión y el compromiso. Definido como aquello que nos mueve, que nos hace ser quienes somos como call center en Tijuana y que nos motiva a seguir adelante en búsqueda de nuestros sueños. Además, Voxcentrix call center...
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Customer Service Outsourcing 1
Every one of us has experienced an amazing customer experience at least once in our lives. Maybe you had a problem that needed to be solved or an employee went the extra mile to help you find that product you needed. The feelings and emotions of being the recipient of amazing customer service is a joyous moment you will never forget.   But let’s be honest, nowadays having an amazing customer experience with a service representative is something that seldom happens.     In the following article “Good to Great: Creating a Tropical Storm of Customer Satisfaction”, business author and FORBES Magazine contributor Ekaterina Walter, provides a compelling reason why companies still can’t make us feel great after we hang up the phone:   “I think it is because a lot of times companies are missing a key ingredient to business success – human passion.”   The author of “Think...
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call center jobs for deportees in tijuana
This is not a typical love story, it’s one of a long business relationship made with love between Mexican Call Centers and companies in the US.  American companies have been outsourcing their manufacturing, information technology, customer service, telemarketing and other  operations to Mexican companies and call centers for years.  It’s been a successful Oreo flavored story. Thousands of companies like Nabisco (the oreo cookie maker) have relied on Mexico as a reliable destination to outsource their operations. Mexican call centers have been providing companies in the US with Customer Service Outsourcing for more than 20 years now This long and flourishing relationship has contributed to the professionalization of companies in the region, including Tijuana and the CaliBaja megaregion. [embed][/embed] Mexican Call Centers like us have developed a profound sense of the needs US companies have. More than 20 years ago the Mexican Institute of Teleservices (IMT) was created to provide...
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mexico call center outsourcing
3 proven tactics to increase sales when outsourcing Call Center Services in Mexico If you are a company that is looking to outsource or currently has a sales campaign using outsourced call center services in Mexico, we suggest applying these three tactics that will help increase your sales goals. These tactics are currently being used successfully by our sales agents at Voxcentrix and can help increase your sales as well.    Encourage an environment of “Learning & Sharing” Have your agents share what works and what doesn’t work for them with the rest of the team and discuss these tactics as a group. The idea is for the agents to collectively share winning tactics and that they learn from each other. Here at Voxcentrix, we like to apply a model called “Do-Review-Learn-Apply”.  This model consists of monitoring sessions where we listen in on actual calls allowing our sales agents to...
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outsourcing to a call center in Mexico
Finding a call center to start outsourcing to a call center in Mexico can be a daunting task, especially if you never did it before. Benefits that come when you consider outsourcing to a call center in Mexico. Most companies think of outsourcing only as a way to saving money, however, there are many more benefits that come from outsourcing to a call center in Mexico. By outsourcing to a call center in Mexico; your company can benefit by ridding of the many legal and monetary responsibilities of being an employer, such as: the costs of hiring and training, workers compensation insurance, health insurance, payroll taxes, maintaining large office space, etc. All these factors can steer companies into considering outsourcing some or all of their day to day business activities. Today we want to give you our top 3 reasons why you should seriously consider to outsource your operations to...
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call centers in Mexico VOXCENTRIX blog post
3 types of call centers in Mexico you should avoid Mexico is among one of the best places for US companies to  outsource some of their primary and back office services. Call centers in Mexico such as Voxcentrix have a lot of experience and offer a wide range of options when it comes to outsourcing services. But before you make choice, you should know how to identify the good ones from the bad ones and “yes!” there are some bad ones. The following are three types of call centers your company should avoid at all costs.   Call Centers in Mexico who can’t protect your data and confidential information Protecting and securing sensitive information should be of concern to any company seeking to outsource some of their work to Mexico or any other country. If you read the news about call centers, you will certainly read several examples of companies...
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call centers in Mexico statistics VOXCENTRIX
The Contact Center Industry in Mexico is strong and optimistic. Despite increasing global competition, growth for most Call Centers in Mexico is expected to continue. International studies repeatedly rank Mexico in the top 5 worldwide and top 3 in Latin America as an expanding and competitive market. Good times for call centers in Mexico. According to a recent study published by the National Institute of Teleservices (IMT), year 2017 was reported to be another successful year for Call Centers in Mexico. With a global growth in the industry of 9.4% and expectations for 2018 are very optimistic. (At least 80% of the companies surveyed expect to keep growing for 2018.)   Telephone-based services are still “King” in the contact center industry but other services being provided by Mexican companies include: Email Services, SMS, IVR, Chat/ Mobile Apps, Video Call, Web Collaboration, and more. Financial and IT services are the still...
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Call Centers en Tijuana
Call centers in Mexico: The proximity and the language as a competitive advantage Call Centers in Mexico have become one of the top options for US companies looking to outsource services in Latin America. Its close proximity to the US and cultural similarities are two of the strongest competitive advantages in Mexico’s call center industry. The Call Center industry in Mexico is vibrant and is in the top 10 choices for call centers in the world and ranks as number 3 in Latin America. Other Latin American countries  where the industry is growing are Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Argentina, however all are located thousands of miles away from the US mainland. Countries like India, China, Malaysia and the Philippines are top call center industry hot spots but are also located far away.  The greater the distance from the US the greater the dilution of cultural similarities and language skills. The...
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call center in Mexico Voxcentrix blog craft beer
In the past, Voxcentrix’s Executive VP Joe Andere published an article titled:  “Call Centers taking over abandoned manufacturing plants, craft beer, employment and Ahi Tuna Tostadas…” that sums up the impact that Call Centers in Mexico are having in the region. From increasingly higher employment rates to the rebirth of old and abandoned industrial buildings, we wanted to share his original article with you. Joe Andere starts with a quote from a well known Mexican actor: “The whole Baja California peninsula is an energetic place, and it’s incredibly alive”               -Gael Garcia   According to Joe Andere: Call centers around the world are collectively a billion dollar industry. Many emerging countries like The Philippines, India, Malaysia, and Mexico are part of a booming call center industry. Mexico and the US have a close relationship but none is closer than the border city of Tijuana. Home to the most accessed border on...
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