What are the 6 pillars of your Customer Experience Management?
"Voxcentrix: The Best Call Center Tijuana" Discover why Voxcentrix is the best call center in Tijuana. At Voxcentrix, we pride ourselves on being the leading call center in Tijuana. With our exceptional BPO services and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, it's no wonder why clients choose us time and time again. Excellence is at the core of everything we do. From elevating customer service experiences to expertly handling sales inquiries, our team is dedicated to raising your ROI and delivering outstanding results. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, you can trust that you're partnering with a call center that knows how to get the job done right. But what sets Voxcentrix apart from other call centers? Well, for starters, we are proud to be top-rated in Tijuana. Our reputation speaks for itself as we consistently deliver exceptional service and exceed client expectations. Tijuana itself offers numerous advantages...
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OUR FAVORITE 3 WAYS TO INCREASE SALES BY PROVIDING AMAZING CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES In our previous blog, we spoke about HOW TO OUTSOURCE YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET. Now we will focus on how you can increase sales by providing Amazing Customer Experiences.  There are many ways to increase sales by providing AMAZING CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES, but these 3 are our favorites.  1.- RATE YOUR CUSTOMERS:  Just as customers can rate their experiences with your company, you can ask your team to rate their interactions with clients and reward them for being awesome! You can prepare a special promo code for them, so when they do purchase again (and they will), they will enjoy an additional discount for being a great customer.  You can empower your team to reward customers that had a difficult situation with your company by giving them a five-star rating experience discount thanking them for their...
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outsourcing customer service
For many small businesses, customer service is paramount to their success and must be the main focus of their business plan. However, many business owners are too worried about selling their services rather than creating WOW experiences for their customers. They fail to notice that it is, in fact, the Customer Experience that brings in repeat customers and helps businesses grow. Not all businesses give customer service the importance it deserves and therefore wind up asking themselves, where are the repeat customers?  Think of it this way, if you were shopping somewhere and their customer service was terrible, would you buy from that place? Would you consider coming back?  In the digital business world, amazing customer service goes a long way because customers cannot interact face to face with your company. Your business needs to humanize all digital interactions and put a proverbial face to your e-commerce. Also, we recommend...
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What are the 6 pillars of your Customer Experience Management?
If you are still looking for inspiration to continue working on your CX strategy, we recommend you take a look at the 6 pillars of Customer Experience Management Excellence designed by KNPG. To achieve Customer Experience Excellence (CEE) and commercial success, your company needs to have a CX Management Strategy. Next, we have put together a brief explanation of each one of them Here are the 6 pillars of your Customer Experience Management Pillar 1: Personalization. The first pillar of your Customer Experience Management strategy is creating a personal connection. Customers are looking for tailored experiences that are unique for them. Focus on the individual to create an emotional connection with the customer. Greet your customers, know them individually, and know their story. Pillar 2: Time & Effort.  Simplify the customer experience as much as possible. You can do that by minimizing the effort required by the customer. Be clear...
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Great customer experience
A great customer experience can cheer you up and change your day. A great customer experience is one of the best feelings you can undergo when interacting with a company or organization. The moment can be so unique that it might feel like a cool breeze on a hot summer day or a hot cup of coffee on a cold winter morning.  Recent studies show that companies that successfully implement a customer experience strategy achieve higher customer satisfaction rates, reduced customer churn, and increased revenues. If you want to have lifelong relationships with your customers, you better start creating memorable experiences for them.  Fortunately, you’re in the right place, because we can help.  But, what is a Great Customer Experience? The customer experience encompasses all the interactions your company has with your clients along the customer journey. It starts with your customers’ very first communication with your business and continues...
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An Experience Gap occurs when our brands fail to meet our customer’s expectations at any point along the customer journey. It’s the chasm between what you promise and you deliver.  In this blog post, we wanted to share 3 touching stories of amazing customer service that will make you feel inspired and that will show you how to close the Experience Gap with your customers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2OYn7k9gG0&t=20s 1. FedEx Driver saves dream wedding and close Experience Gap When COVID-19 smashed Savannah and Dylan’s dream wedding plans in Hawaii, they decided to change to a small ceremony on the beautiful coast of North Carolina. “The lovebirds organized a last-minute beach ceremony with a total of five people on the special day last week.The company making the groom's wedding band had been shuttered by the virus outbreak, but said the day before the wedding that it could overnight the ring, Kulenic said.One problem:...
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buenas historias que prueban que el amor existe aún en los tiempos de coronavirus.
El amor tiene muchas formas. Y aunque las maneras en que lo manifiestamos no son tan ruidosas como lo son las malas noticias, algunas han logrado dar la vuelta al mundo y alegrarle el día a más de uno. En Voxcentrix creemos que cada uno de nosotros podemos ayudar a hacer este mundo mejor con un gesto. Un acto de amor, en cualquiera de su manifestaciones puede hacer una diferencia a nuestro alrededor.  Te compartimos 3 buenas historias que prueban que aún en los tiempos del coronavirus, el amor existe. #1 El hombre al que no lo detuvo el virus para llevar su mensaje de amor a su amada.  Una pareja separada por el COVID 19 encontró una forma de celebrar su anniversario número 67. A Bob Shellard no lo detuvo ni el virus ni las restricciones de prevención del coronarivus para llevar su mensaje de amor a su esposa...
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Hola, esta ocasión, te presentamos a América Bautista, nuestra especialista de reclutamiento aquí en el call center, quien nos comparte sus 5 consejos para que triunfes en tu próxima entrevista de trabajo. Esperamos te resulten de utilidad! https://youtu.be/noZZqNl40Zk Tip 1. Investiga Haz un poco de investgación sobre la empresa para la cual harás tu entrevista. Averigua qué hacen, a qué se dedican, quienes son, cual es su historia, sus valores, por qué hacen lo que hacen.... Esto te ayudará a confirmar si es afin a lo que buscas y si tu haces buen "fit" con ellos. Tip 2.- Cuida tu imagen. No es necesario vestir demasiado formal, todo depende de la vacante de trabajo en la que estás interesada o el puesto que buscas obtener. No se trata de lucir demasiado elegante o glamuroso, simplemente ir vestido de acuerdo a la posición que estás solicitando. Tip 3.- Sé tú mismo....
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Call center in Tijuana
Life is all about making the right choices and selecting a call center is no different. But sometimes, having too many choices can make matters worse and complicate the already difficult task of finding a top notch Call Center in Tijuana. In the city of Tijuana, you will find a plethora of call centers to choose from and all claiming to be the best. But how do you choose the right Call Center for your company? Here are 3 things you should look for when considering a call center in Tijuana. A great call center in Tijuana must be committed to your goals. American entrepreneur Hannah Bronfman once said that goals give us purpose (and) motivates us to make ourselves the best version. Your next business partner should listen to your goals and objectives and deliver an action plan based on your goals. Shared goals make the best situation for...
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Customer Service - Voxcentrix
Customer Service Lessons from Jeanne Bliss’ book. The impact of making people wait has consequences that go beyond an unfortunate memory that sticks and shared on social media.  - Jeanne Bliss. Bliss, Customer Experience Pioneer & Leadership Advisor wrote an amazing book that inspired us to help our clients reach the next level in their customer care standards. Would You Do That To Your Mother? is a piece of wisdom that every company should take into consideration. In this article, we would like to share with you 3 lessons that we loved from the book.    #1 Make business personal. If you are not giving your customers the treatment they desire, maybe it’s time to rethink your business practice. Use technology to keep track of each experience with your company and improve it in every front of the Customer Journey. The proper use of the information and an omnichannel strategy...
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