OUR FAVORITE 3 WAYS TO INCREASE SALES BY PROVIDING AMAZING CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES In our previous blog, we spoke about HOW TO OUTSOURCE YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET. Now we will focus on how you can increase sales by providing Amazing Customer Experiences.  There are many ways to increase sales by providing AMAZING CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES, but these 3 are our favorites.  1.- RATE YOUR CUSTOMERS:  Just as customers can rate their experiences with your company, you can ask your team to rate their interactions with clients and reward them for being awesome! You can prepare a special promo code for them, so when they do purchase again (and they will), they will enjoy an additional discount for being a great customer.  You can empower your team to reward customers that had a difficult situation with your company by giving them a five-star rating experience discount thanking them for their...
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7 killer tactics to Create Amazing Customer experiences
When looking for killer tactics for creating amazing customer experiences, you should think of Shep Hyken. Forbes Magazine contributor, customer service and experience expert, he has been helping organizations create amazing customer and employee experiences for a long time. 🧡  We love his philosophy. He is one of our main references when we are looking for inspiration. Hyken wrote an article featuring a list of tactics to create amazing customer experiences and we loved them so much we decided to make our one selection. Here are our favorite... Top 7 tactics for creating amazing customer experiences according to Shep Hyken: 1. Send a thank-you note. Saying “thank you” can make miracles happen. Imagine if you send an unexpected note to say it. Business and sales are all about human relationships. If you want to create amazing experiences for your customers, invest in your relationship with them. You won’t regret it. ...
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