Don’t let customer experience to robots, keep your customer service human
When a brand feels human, consumers are 80% more likely to buy their products or services.74% of surveyed customers said a personalized experience is important, but wait until they experience the truly individualized experience.Consumers are picky —78% demand human interaction after one digital mishap or mistake. New technology and AI are helping companies provide faster and more efficient customer experience. Impressive chatbots like ChatGPT are helping companies improve communications with their clients, in a human-like way. But when problems arrive, people still care about empathy and human interaction. ¨Global events and a multi-year pandemic have only increased our need for connection and being part of something bigger than ourselves. Today's consumers demand a connection that feels human¨ (Retail Customer Experience) In business and customer experience, technology doesn’t solve everything. In the formula for providing an amazing customer experience, it is imperative to accept that technology doesn’t solve everything (not yet)....
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be your customer hero
No matter how hard you try, some of your customers will trust your brand, and others won’t. A big part of your customers will be complicated, irrational, and easy to disappoint. But they still need someone to play the hero and solve their problems.  You can catalog your business customers into three categories: trust advocates, neutrals, and antagonists. If you don’t want advocates and neutrals to become antagonists, you need to take action.  But the real villain in the movie isn’t your customer. The real criminals are poor management, wasted effort, lost opportunity, needless risk, among other things. Some of the biggest enemies that your customer service department will face are:  Not having an answer to the customer’s questionsTransferring calls to the wrong departmentBeing flooded with service ticketsLow-resolution times Failing to understand what your customers wantCustomers want a discount you can’t giveCustomers want a feature you won’t or can’t addHaving to...
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OUR FAVORITE 3 WAYS TO INCREASE SALES BY PROVIDING AMAZING CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES In our previous blog, we spoke about HOW TO OUTSOURCE YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET. Now we will focus on how you can increase sales by providing Amazing Customer Experiences.  There are many ways to increase sales by providing AMAZING CUSTOMER EXPERIENCES, but these 3 are our favorites.  1.- RATE YOUR CUSTOMERS:  Just as customers can rate their experiences with your company, you can ask your team to rate their interactions with clients and reward them for being awesome! You can prepare a special promo code for them, so when they do purchase again (and they will), they will enjoy an additional discount for being a great customer.  You can empower your team to reward customers that had a difficult situation with your company by giving them a five-star rating experience discount thanking them for their...
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Great customer experience
A great customer experience can cheer you up and change your day. A great customer experience is one of the best feelings you can undergo when interacting with a company or organization. The moment can be so unique that it might feel like a cool breeze on a hot summer day or a hot cup of coffee on a cold winter morning.  Recent studies show that companies that successfully implement a customer experience strategy achieve higher customer satisfaction rates, reduced customer churn, and increased revenues. If you want to have lifelong relationships with your customers, you better start creating memorable experiences for them.  Fortunately, you’re in the right place, because we can help.  But, what is a Great Customer Experience? The customer experience encompasses all the interactions your company has with your clients along the customer journey. It starts with your customers’ very first communication with your business and continues...
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7 killer tactics to Create Amazing Customer experiences
When looking for killer tactics for creating amazing customer experiences, you should think of Shep Hyken. Forbes Magazine contributor, customer service and experience expert, he has been helping organizations create amazing customer and employee experiences for a long time. 🧡  We love his philosophy. He is one of our main references when we are looking for inspiration. Hyken wrote an article featuring a list of tactics to create amazing customer experiences and we loved them so much we decided to make our one selection. Here are our favorite... Top 7 tactics for creating amazing customer experiences according to Shep Hyken: 1. Send a thank-you note. Saying “thank you” can make miracles happen. Imagine if you send an unexpected note to say it. Business and sales are all about human relationships. If you want to create amazing experiences for your customers, invest in your relationship with them. You won’t regret it. ...
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call center agents
When we say that call center agents are so awesome, we are not only making reference to their passionate, resilient and hard-working personalities. Nor are we alluding to their amazing talents for sports, board games or their good taste in music or culinary tastes. There are other attributes that make them special, different from other people. Over the years we have learned a lot about our Brand Ambassadors and how amazing they are. Let’s us give you 3 reasons that prove what we are saying is true. Reason 1: Call center agents are willing to serve people like no other.  “We only have what we give.” -  Isabel Allende People working at call centers are particularly suited for service. Their strength and ability to help others is awe-inspiring. Here at Voxcentrix, we are so proud of our brand ambassadors because we see them going the extra mile to help others...
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business in tijuana
Every call center that’s been around for a while and handles customer calls on a daily basis knows about “customer service”. We receive hundreds if not thousands of customers service calls on a daily basis. We are the ears that have the insight to your customers' needs and expectations. And all that experience and information gathered over the years can be useful when finding new ways to improve and innovate in their experience with your company.   Sometimes innovation is not about acquiring the most expensive and latest technology, but to change your focus and find a new way of doing things. Let us show you 3 ways a seasoned call center can help you re-engage with your customers through innovation. Number 1: A call center can help you anticipate your customer’s problems Besides just listening to your customers you should start anticipating your customer’s needs. That’s your way to...
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call centers in Tijuana
Once upon a time, call centers in Mexico were not very prevalent, especially not in Tijuana. A recent increase in demand for nearshore call center services has put the city on the call center map. We are very proud to be one of the pioneers of the call center industry in the city. As many people know, companies worldwide look to Tijuana to outsource manufacturing processes and it is now apparent that they are looking to the city for our Customer Engagement, Customer Service, Collections and Tech Support. And why not?  Mexico is well known around the globe for its extraordinary customer service, legendary hospitality, and amazing cuisine. This translates well when you are in the people business and call centers or contact centers are exactly that, the ultimate people business. Tijuana is an amazing location for a call center When I started working at call centers in Tijuana,...
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