Call Centers in Tijuana - desarrolla tu pasion
A mediados de 2018,  conocimos a un grupo de estudiantes talentosos de la Escuela de Humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC Campus Tijuana), quienes ganaron el primer concurso de creación audiovisual para universitarios organizado por un call center en Tijuana.    Desarrolla tu pasión: estudiantes universitarios y un call center en tijuana trabajando juntos. Como resultado de la buena experiencia, decidimos realizar nuestra primera campaña juntos la cual llamamos "Desarrolla tu pasión". Esta se compuso de 3 cortometrajes publicitarios que representan las historias de quienes aquí trabajamos y los valores en los que creemos. La meta: reflejar los valores de nuestro call center Las historias representan nuestros valores de la pasión y el compromiso. Definido como aquello que nos mueve, que nos hace ser quienes somos como call center en Tijuana y que nos motiva a seguir adelante en búsqueda de nuestros sueños. Además, Voxcentrix call center...
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Customer Service Outsourcing 1
Every one of us has experienced an amazing customer experience at least once in our lives. Maybe you had a problem that needed to be solved or an employee went the extra mile to help you find that product you needed. The feelings and emotions of being the recipient of amazing customer service is a joyous moment you will never forget.   But let’s be honest, nowadays having an amazing customer experience with a service representative is something that seldom happens.     In the following article “Good to Great: Creating a Tropical Storm of Customer Satisfaction”, business author and FORBES Magazine contributor Ekaterina Walter, provides a compelling reason why companies still can’t make us feel great after we hang up the phone:   “I think it is because a lot of times companies are missing a key ingredient to business success – human passion.”   The author of “Think...
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telephone answering service
“Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress” – Simon Sinek (author, motivational speaker, and organizational consultant.)   The 3 reasons to outsource telephone answering services   Reason 1: Focus your team on what they do best. In life, doing what you love is happiness. In your company, loving what they do gives your team the inspiration to excel at their jobs. Having a motivated crew gives you a competitive advantage that others will only try to imitate. A good telephone answering services partner will allow your existing staff to focus on other more important company responsibilities. Stop spending precious time on doing something that someone else can do for you and outsource your answering service. This will lower your staff's stress level and boost their productivity.   Reason 2: Lower your operational costs. Either for short term or long term projects, getting help answering your customers’...
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Call centers Tijuana
En Voxcentrix, nos enorgullecemos de tener raíces tijuanenses. Somos un Call Center en Tijuana, que se puedes considerar pionero de la industria en la región. Cuando iniciamos operaciones, éramos a penas 4 y ahora existen más de 50 centros de llamadas tan sólo en la ciudad. Somos el call center enTijuana frente a UABC  Estamos ubicados en Otay, en plaza universitaria, justo frente a la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC) campus Tijuana. Desde nuestros primeros días abrimos espacios para que los estudiantes universitarios bilingües que estuvieran interesados en ayudar a sus familias a financiar sus estudios, tuvieran una oportunidad de trabajo aquí con nosotros en el call center. Algunos han crecido con nosotros y siguen aquí hasta estos días. Somos un call center de espíritu emprendedor Llevamos el espíritu emprendedor impregnado en nuestra piel. Somos proactivos y nos distingue la pasión y el compromiso con que hacemos las cosas. Es...
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bpo companies in Mexico
BPO companies in Mexico BPO companies in mexico have a long history of providing outsourcing services to companies in the US. What we do is called “nearshoring”, which is a convenient way to outsource due to the close proximity between the US and Mexico.  There is a particular reason why companies in the US prefer “nearshoring” to “offshoring” and that is proximity. Being close to the nearshore facility allows you to be physically close and present to your campaign.   No more 12 to 20-hour flights to India or the Philippines to check up on your campaign. You can visit our facilities anytime you want and as often as you want. We are either a short drive or short flight from anywhere in the US.   As the saying goes, “my presence speaks volumes before I say a word”. Other reasons for choosing  BPO companies in Mexico Another reason why...
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En mayo lanzamos la convocatoria para nuestro Primer Concurso de Creación Audiovisual 2018 con la intención de apoyar el  talentos en la comunidad universitaria Es la primera vez que nuestro call center abre este tipo de oportunidades a los jóvenes de Tijuana. Pese a ser la primera edición de nuestro concurso, fuimos muy bien recibidos por la comunidad estudiantil, especialmente en la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Campus Tijuana, donde la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales nos abrió las puertas para invitar a los alumnos a participar en dicha convocatoria. Nos alegra mencionar que recibimos  propuestas muy interesantes, cada una con su estilo, talento y pasión, así como el compromiso de llevar el trabajo a su fin y entregarlo en tiempo, valores que constituyen nuestra forma de hacer las cosas aquí en  VOXCENTRIX. Hoy nos enorgullece felicitar publicamente a los ganadores de nuestro  Concurso y agradecer infinitamente a todos...
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call center jobs for deportees in tijuana
This is not a typical love story, it’s one of a long business relationship made with love between Mexican Call Centers and companies in the US.  American companies have been outsourcing their manufacturing, information technology, customer service, telemarketing and other  operations to Mexican companies and call centers for years.  It’s been a successful Oreo flavored story. Thousands of companies like Nabisco (the oreo cookie maker) have relied on Mexico as a reliable destination to outsource their operations. Mexican call centers have been providing companies in the US with Customer Service Outsourcing for more than 20 years now This long and flourishing relationship has contributed to the professionalization of companies in the region, including Tijuana and the CaliBaja megaregion. [embed][/embed] Mexican Call Centers like us have developed a profound sense of the needs US companies have. More than 20 years ago the Mexican Institute of Teleservices (IMT) was created to provide...
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call center jobs for deportees in tijuana
Mexico call center outsourcing: The proximity. Nearshoring or Mexico call center outsourcing is still the best way to do business with a foreign country. The proximity facilitates face-to-face meetings and visits, enhancing trust and satisfaction. Mexico is one of the top countries where US companies like yours can outsource its operations to a call center. The Cali-Baja region. [embed][/embed] The US-Mexico border stretches for almost 2000 miles long but it’s the Cali-Baja region the most prosperous of all. Including San Diego County, Imperial County, and Baja California in Mexico, Cali-Baja is a unique binational location ideal for business investments. It began in 2008 as an economic development partnership with the purpose of promoting the complimentary competitive advantages offered by the region. The Mega-Region has many competitive advantages starting with its infrastructure which includes 6 border crossings, 5 interstate freeways, 5 international airports, 2 specialized maritime port facilities and rail links....
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  Individualmente, somos una gota. Juntos, somos un océano. -Ryunosuke Satoro   Estimada(o) creadora(or) audiovisual, La familia VOXCENTRIX te da la bienvenida a nuestro primer concurso de creación audiovisual dirigido a estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Tijuana, Baja California. En VOXCENTRIX, creemos en la innovación y el trabajo en equipo, que si le ponemos pasión a las cosas nos salen mejor. También creemos que nuestras diferencias entre personas nos hacen un equipo más fuerte, por ello queremos integrar nuevas ideas, otras perspectivas para la creación contenidos para nuestras campañas publicitarias.     Y precisamente necesitamos tu ayuda para crear CONTENIDO en forma de  SPOTS COMERCIALES o CORTOMETRAJES PUBLICITARIO. Spot Comercial Si vas a hacer un Spot Comercial, ayúdanos a crear contenido para nuestras campañas de reclutamiento. Piensa en personas que pudieran necesitar un trabajo nuevo o en situaciones donde pudieras recomendarle a alguien nuestro call center. Las posibilidades son infinitas: en la parada del...
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bilingual call center jobs in tijuana
If you are looking for bilingual call center jobs in Tijuana, this article will be very helpful for you. Here, we gathered the most common questions people ask us when they respond to a job offer.👇👇 We hope this Q/A selection helps you to know what you need to know get hired. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Q: What do I need to get hired? / What are the requirements? A: For a bilingual call center job, we require a good level of conversational English and basic computer knowledge. Q: When can I get an appointment for a job interview? A: You can visit us from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm for an interview Q: Can I set an appointment on Saturday? A: At the moment we do not have recruitment staff on Saturday, but you can reach us through Facebook Q: What do I need to bring...
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